Ethics and compliance.

We pursue the highest ethical and compliance standards in all our activities and those of our partners. We adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to issues relating to corruption and bribery

Code of conduct.

ITP Aero’s Code of Conduct reflects its corporate values and applies to all the people who make up the company. It acts as a guide for the performance of each person’s activity and establishes the principles of integrity, responsibility and honesty in our work.

To promote a culture of ethics and compliance, ITP Aero has a Crime Prevention Committee supported by the Ethics and Compliance department

The Compliance functions, the basic principles and the components of the Anti-Bribery and Criminal Compliance Management System are set out in the Global Compliance Policy and in the Criminal Compliance Policy

Ethics Line.

ITP Aero is committed to creating and maintaining a safe environment in which to raise questions or complaints about ethics and compliance. To do this, ITP Aero has an Ethics Line, managed by experts within the E&C team who are responsible for safely managing any questions and complaints.

The Ethics Line is governed by the principles of confidentiality and independence.

ITP Aero guarantees the analysis of complaints in good faith and ensures that there are no reprisals for whistleblowers.

Preventing corruption.

ITP Aero has a zero tolerance approach to any form of corruption and bribery, and we are committed to integrity in all our activities and operations.

Given the relevance of corruption and bribery risks, ITP Aero has a specific Compliance Programme for the prevention of corruption and bribery.

Our Anti-Corruption Policy is the basis of this programme.

What do we expect from our partners?.

ITP Aero is committed to the highest standards of quality, safety and business ethics, to ensure the success of our business; and we expect our partners to take on these same commitments.

We request that our suppliers accept and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is part of the terms and conditions specified by the company in our contracts and purchasing documents.

In addition, in accordance with our Expectations for Ethics and Compliance, we apply a series of principles against bribery and corruption, that must be accepted by all our partners.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Expectations of Ethics and Compliance


ITP Aero is the first Spanish aeronautical manufacturer to be certified by AENOR in Compliance

ITP Aero has obtained the AENOR 19601 (Criminal Compliance Management) and 37001 (Anti-bribery Management System) certificates in both Spain and Mexico

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